External Standards

Management Lessons


Microsoft Error Messages

Japanese-style Haiku poetry has strict construction rules. Each poem has only 17 syllables and 3 lines - 5 syllables in the first, 7 in the second, 5 in the third.

Haikus are used to communicate a timeless message often achieving a wistful, yearning and powerful insight through extreme brevity - the essence of Zen.

External Standards
IIP (Investors in People)
Yir fowk maitter maist?
They maun aa be affa chuff'd!
Sae fit wye sack em?

ISO9001 (Quality Management)
Ye 'dee' quality?
Customers fair teen wi ye?
Dinna mak me lauch.

ISO14001 (Environmental Management)
Chummin wi the Greens?
Nae hairm ti nithin noo.
Sae Fit wye the rin-affs?

ISO45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management)
Myn oot fir us aa
- or sae aa yer bumf aye says.
Fa's mischieved the day?

SA8000 (Social Accountability)
Nae bairns up the lum?
Aabody chufft wi their pye?
Bit foo div ye buy?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
Chunce o a chuncer?
Siller at risk? Sae ye spen
Mair noo - aye a chunce!

Troo naebody noo.
Spell oot fit wye ye dee things
An hank it aa doon.
Your staff matter most?
They must all be very pleased!
So why the layoffs?

You 'do' quality?
Customers are pleased with you?
Please don't make me laugh.

In the green lobby?
Damage to nothing now.
So Why the waste and spills?

Mind out for us all
- or so your paperwork says.
Who is injured today?

No young chimney sweeps?
Everyone pleased with their pay?
But how do you buy?

Chance of a 'chancer'?
Money at risk? So you spend
More now - chance remains!

Believe no one now.
Spell out how you operate
And tie it all down.
Copyright © 2001-2019 Peter K Fraser. All rights reserved.